
Welcome to Rijksmuseum DMPonline

This instance of DMPonline is provided by the Rijksmuseum to help you write your Data Management Plans (DMPs).

Need support?

If you have questions about DMPonline, please contact the Collection Information Department via our Research Data Management support page.

First time login

At your first time login, you have to create a personal account using your Rijksmuseum email address. Make sure you choose a sufficiently complex password. Note that this should not be your Rijksmuseum password! Once you have created an account, you can link your account with your Rijksmuseum credentials.

Create new DMP

When you want to create a new plan with the Rijksmuseum template you select “Rijksmuseum” as primary research organisation and you have to tick the box “No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed”. This will create an empty plan with the Rijksmuseum questions and tailored guidance.